So when I started listening to this I was like, "Oh, this gon' be some lame Final Fantasy junk," and then you hit the rampage switch. Yeah that was a fun ride, lol. It regardless does sound Final Fantasy inspired musically.
I enjoy the melodies and the ups and downs the song takes in energy. I dislike your liberal usage of what I could call as "N00bverb" TM. I know what it's like man, we ALL do it, but you are using too much reverb which is muddying up the mix a lot.
I would work on your mix. It needs to be a bit crisper, try upping the high-highs a bit on the master channel's EQ. Work on your individual drum volumn levels so you don't have to rely so heavily on compression to make it work (although fixing the amount of reverb used on the drums will help with this as well). While I'm thinkin' about it, I personally cut the low frequencies off in my reverb when I put 'verb on my own drum samples, which helps me not destroy everything with "bassverb" TM.
I recommend makin' your bassline a lot busier during the high energy parts to keep up with that ENERGY. Think power metal.
Cool song. Did enjoy. Would recommend. Fits the art. Sounds like Nobuo Uematsu. Needs ironing out.