I am a Christian, composer, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist.



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SoulSecure's News

Posted by SoulSecure - April 15th, 2024

I had spent a lot of my time alone when I was younger. I would retreat from others and choose to spend time by myself reading a book, playing a videogame, drawing, making music or what have you. I knew what people thought of me; that I was a strange person, a weirdo and I would feel alone.

I was a bisexual, goth that grew up thinking he should've been born a girl and didn't understand why we had all these limitations on morality if we are all just animals anyway. I resented everything. I feared death immensely and decided that if I would worship anything it better be Satan because, I figured, he is just like me: held back in my art and expression and desires by a God who hates me. I could get a good spot in Hell just doing what I want to do anyway instead of the stuffy Church and it's hypocrisy and hatred.

I ended up at rock bottom, living in an unfamiliar place with no money and no friends except one girl who, even though she was walking in the same waking destruction as I was, would not budge on the idea that Jesus Christ was the Way of salvation, not Satan.

I read the Gospel of Luke, how Jesus Christ is God, born to poor parents, lived a sinless life, died on a cross for my sins and rose from the dead to prove that He is victorious. I gave my life to Jesus Christ and I no longer fear death the way I did.

I am no longer alone even when I feel that all have forsaken me. Jesus Christ is my fortress and my strong tower that I run into and I am saved. He is my rock, my foundation and I believe that if He can save ME and change ME that He can do the same for YOU.

If you are willing to lay yourself down and ask for help, that you want to know about Jesus the way I do, then send me a PM.

Posted by SoulSecure - November 18th, 2023

This new album contains some old songs, some new songs, and some old songs that have been revamped, but not a single song has been on a previously compiled release. I love to have a theme or underlying tie in with my songs on a compiled release and the theme here is leaving the world behind and walking out your salvation all the way to the Glorious Kingdom, with an emphasis on leaving things behind and going God's way instead of our own. There's a mix of R&B, samba, electronica, trip-hop, Turkish folk, reggae, videogame music influence and of course a love for Jesus Christ that I pray shows through in a way that would encourage you to choose His way too!

As a side, "His Way" is a revamp of the first Christian song with words I ever made and it's almost ten years old (as of 2014 it WILL be ten years old)! And a shout out to my wife for making the awesome cover art!

Here's the link, FREE TO DOWNLOAD: https://soulsecur3.bandcamp.com/album/i-choose-his-way



Posted by SoulSecure - May 29th, 2023

This was supposed to get released in 2020 and was originally going to be full length, but I prefer to release music in batches. Not that this isn't what was going to be released at the time, this is it, I just never released it. Here it is now! I hope y'all enjoy this one and all glory to the Most High God and Yeshua His Son!!



Posted by SoulSecure - September 19th, 2022

Does anybody remember it? Of course I do. I lived Nintendocore. My favourite band was HORSE the band and I remember looking around on Myspace for Nintendocore artists and messaging with a few of them. I wanted to make Nintendocore but there was no way I was going to get anyone in my local scene to be interested in making a band that plays such niche (as they say) music.

Years have passed (over a decade actually) and here I am still in love with the sounds of metal and hardcore mixed with videogame sounding music. I also became a born again believer in Jesus Christ along the way. So I made some songs rooted in my faith in Jesus and about the things around us and in us. I now have these songs compiled as a short album and am about to release it soon with artwork made specially for it by my wife.

I have fused my greatest passion; Jesus Christ with one of my musical passions: Nintendocore. Should we call it... Christendocore? Maybe. What I can say is that this will drop soon so keep a lookout.

I'm'a put it up on Bandcamp and YouTube for sure. The songs are actually already available here on NG, but these will be updated mixes from the ones here.

EDIT: That happened faster than I thought. It's HERE! https://soulsecur3.bandcamp.com/album/1-hope


Posted by SoulSecure - September 25th, 2020

Jesus Christ is God who came in the flesh. He was born of the virgin Mary and lived a perfect, sinless life so He could pay for our sins, YOUR sins on the cross at Calvary (the hill he was crucified on). His death, agony and separation from God the Father on the cross paid for our sins so that you and I can be forgiven.

This is all true, factual history that we have recorded not only by the writers of the new testament, but prophesied by God through the writers of the old testament. We even have period historians outside of the Bible who wrote concerning the death of Jesus and most importantly even His resurrection and belief in His resurrection is recorded outside the Bible.

No, the belief that Jesus rose from the dead was not invented later, it is factual history that He has defeated death and is alive today in Heaven. His resurrection is the proof of His power to save and if you want to hear more about how you can be saved I want you to send me a PM and we can discuss Jesus Christ my Lord and Saviour.

He's coming back soon. It's time to get ready.


Posted by SoulSecure - August 25th, 2020

I was reminded earlier of that time a bunch of songs from guys here were stolen back in 2011 and it made me remember that one of my songs was used without concent in a rom hack in like 2016 or something. Now, the song was just an old Zelda remake that is also on NG so it doesn't bug me that much that someone would use it in a game since the majority of the composition is something I didn't originally create anyway. What bugged me was what kind of game it was used in... A Conker fan game. Obviously if you know me and you know Conker, these things do not mix. They might have mixed back in 2010, but not now man.

The only reason I found out was because of a ping from a google search that came back from Romhacking.net with my (now old) pseudonym 'Rahmemhotep' being used in some page. It was a music credit on a readme.txt file (scroll all the way to the bottom and look under 'New Music') that when I read it was just one of those, "What in the world is this?" moments. After I found out (which was probably not until 2018) I scoured and found emails for these guys and emailed them asking what level they put it in and why they didn't ask permission, because I didn't want the song used in the game and yadda, yadda, yadda- Look they never got back to me to this day.

To close on this topic though, while I really wish it wasn't there and that I could do something about it, I really can't. At this point I'm looking at it praying that someone who checks out the credits or the song will come to my accounts and be exposed to the Gospel, like because of this there's a light in a very dark place.

You can go to timestamp 17:36 in this video to hear and see where they put the song. I only just found this on my own by looking for a desert in the preview frame pictures when you hover over the red video progress line in youtube. I can tell it's the youtube version of the song and not the NG updated version. I found out what song was used thanks to this random guy making a OST playlist for the game recently. -_-

Posted by SoulSecure - August 15th, 2020

Jesus Christ is calling you to repent of your sins and take His free gift of salvation. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God Who lived a perfect, sinless life during His time here as a man 'in our shoes'. He used His perfection, His spotlessness and gave Himself up to be our perfect sacrifice so He could pay for all of our sins as He was crucified. He rose from the dead on the third day to show Himself powerful and mighty to save!

Jesus rose from the dead to show us that He indeed is God in the flesh and that He really did defeat sin and death on the cross. When He said, "It is finished!" the work was truly, once and for all finished. Since the payment for sin has been made all you have to do to be forgiven is turn AWAY from the bad things you know you're doing (repent of sin), believe on Jesus Christ as saviour (He really did pay for you to be able to come to God) and choose to turn TOWARD God as your Lord (do what He says instead of what you say). You should then continue to abide in Jesus (stay with Him, follow Him) and since He's your Lord (master) then you should do the things Jesus commands in His Word (the Bible).

If you want to learn more or have any questions you can message me or comment, but what's even better is that you open up the Bible and pray always asking God to speak to you.

Posted by SoulSecure - June 22nd, 2020

So I've got a bunch of songs that are WIPs. Some of them have been laying around for years (as exemplified by '10 Year Old Song' which I finished and released last year) and some are kind of new, just not done. I remember a few years back I uploaded this preview of tracks I was working on and I can't remember but I don't think I've finished a single one of those songs from that preview.

Some songs go through various vocal style changes or lyric changes. Currently I'm entertaining the thought of changing the instrument selection in some WIPS entirely just to fit my current tastes. Some songs are done, they just need the lyrics recorded and that's not always easy to do so they end up on the back burner.

All this to say here's something I'm working on

I also wanted to say that I'm working on a Demon Hunter cover. Which song? I'll let that stay secret until I upload it. It is one of their softer songs though (OOOOOH THE DISAPPOINTMENT!!!)

Posted by SoulSecure - June 1st, 2019

Today is my birthday and I am praising the I AM for this amount of years here when I know if I was Him, my mercy would've ran out probably 5,000 years ago! He is not like me! His mercy, grace and love has been shown, proven on the cross of Jesus Christ! He had every single sin put on Himself, every label that the world and I have put on myself He put on Himself and stamps a new label on me: "Righteous"

It is only by grace that I live today and my God has given it so abundantly that there is no way I can ever repay Him. His death and resurrection have resurrected me in that I was dead in my trespasses and have now been made alive to live more abundantly with true, steadfast hope of Heaven and eternal life!

I woke up today and remember that some people say it's wrong to celebrate your birthday. That is ok if you don't want to celebrate a birthday, but I will regardless rejoice in my Lord and my God this day for all He has accomplished thus far and I look forward to the continuance of His work in me until it is finished when I am either killed or raptured away to be with Him forever. 

For anyone who would seem contentious; I give you scripture to back my position.

In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable. Those who worship the Lord on a special day do it to honor him. Those who eat any kind of food do so to honor the Lord, since they give thanks to God before eating. And those who refuse to eat certain foods also want to please the Lord and give thanks to God. For we don’t live for ourselves or die for ourselves. If we live, it’s to honor the Lord. And if we die, it’s to honor the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. Christ died and rose again for this very purpose—to be Lord both of the living and of the dead.

Romans 14:5-9 NLT


Posted by SoulSecure - March 21st, 2019

Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Life. You can not, may not under any circumstances have a right relationship with the Father without submitting to Jesus Christ as Lord, believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead! Jesus died on the cross to set you free! He wants to release you from the bondage of sin and death and the devil!

We as Christians do not war against flesh and blood, we don't run around murderizing people! We are to love and forgive others as God has forgiven us! How far has God removed our transgressions from us? As far as the East is from the West--- infinitely far!

For those who do not repent the book of Romans teaches us that it doesn't matter how much you feign ignorance, you know in your heart that God is alive and created all things, but you have seared your conscience and are condemned already. We do not condemn you- you condemn yourself! Sin's stain on this world and on you can only be cleansed by the blood of the Son.

I used to be a Satan worshiping, sexually immoral, bisexual, drunk, drug abusing, hate filled, depressed, afraid man that took advantage of everyone around him.

When I submitted my life to Jesus Christ the Bible says I became a new creation, old things have passed away behold all things have become new.

I have an assurance of Heaven, I have an assurance of my relationship with MY Father in Heaven, that He not only loves me, as He loves all, but that He LIKES ME! THAT BLOWS MY MIND! There is nothing I can do to repay Him for all He has done and even though He knows that, He continues to do wonders before me and lead me in paths of righteousness!

Do not be deceived by this world! God loves you, He doesn't want to chain you down (as I once thought) He wants to free you!