
129 Audio Reviews

80 w/ Responses

I found it monotonous and boring. It sounded pretty good at first, but then you just used piano and strings synths for EVERY INSTRUMENT!

I don't mind if the timing is off or anything, but your composition is wrong in the notation department. The part where (in the original) the dulcimer synth plays and the second flute solo, you missed a few notes entirely. The background music, instead of switching to accommodate the lead parts (as in the original) just looped so the dulcimer solo didn't harmonize correctly with the background. That shit made me cringe a bit. Lastly, you didn't use any of the notes that fade-in, but that's ok, because you used a bass line to fill the gap.

I don't mind that you omitted the percussion, because that is a stylistic choice.

The mixing is alright. Nothing too super weird. The dulcimer solo was a bit quiet, but whatever. Who cares, right?

I think that you need to go back, listen intensely closely to the original song and try it again. I'd suggest bringing in more different instruments so it doesn't sound so bland and monotonous.

Completely serious here... Your intro is fucking amazing. Everything after that is trash. Take that intro and try to make a song that carries the feelings and power you can feel from it.

Let me see, here...

First thing you need to do is add moar bass. MOAR BASS. The guitars are crunchy, so of course they'd feel dirty, but it makes me want to say they need a little work. Some parts weren't exactly in sync when you over lapped guitars (and I'm not talking about note clashes, I mean performance synchronization). I will say that the synchronization doesn't have to be perfect, though.

Sometimes your timing is off when you play. You need to practice rhythms and really listen for the drums and the back beat (snare hits). You also slop it up at some parts. Perhaps practice playing classical or classic rock to try and better your timing and rhythm.

I'm going to let you go on the mixing.

Composition-wise, this is an awesome track. I can't really complain about the composition except at 1:19. At 1:19 you do a sort of lame break down thing when you could've done a more complicated riff.

All in all it's a great song that needs an overhaul.

Sorry, wrote this last night but internet went out

About time... You've made something I give two shits about.

First and foremost issue was leveling. If it was me, I'd have mixed the lead a little more quietly. There were certain other elements that weren't blended in well enough on the left pan and the bass needs to be a bit more dynamic, especially if you do make the lead more quiet. I mean, I'm not saying it doesn't stand out, but perhaps it should, more at certain points where I feel you're trying to get the bass to hit you in the face (otherwise, this would be a miniscule tweak in the mid range).

Second issue was little blips of clippage at certain points, most notably at the ending fade out sequence. I know that this ain't no mo'fuckin' dB clipping, so I couldn't tell you what the fuck is causing it.

Now, on to praise. The song carries that sort of Japanese metal/pop vibe throughout which I find quite pleasant and I think it could be successfully converted into that genre with the proper instrumentation (plus if I heard the lead as vocals like I am in my head, I think I'd love the resulting song). In this respect, you could classify it as 'happy hardcore', but it doesn't have the same mindlessness you get from other songs in that genre, so I'm not sure it would be due.

The song has a nice length. It could go for a switched up breakdown, but that's not exactly necessary in the least. So, what you have here is a well structured song with few issues, zero outstanding issues and a good hook. Great job, kardesh.

midimachine responds:

awesome, being the attention whore i am it makes me glad when i find out extra shits are being given about me! :)

the clipping is the wavetable channel and also the volume envelope changes; each individual sound channel is only 4-bit, which means only 15 different dynamic levels for each = you can hear soft clicks between each level.

as for genre, i'm not really fussed but i'm leaning more towards power pop or something like that.

Now really...

I enjoy this song. It gives a good RPG kind of feel. What I want to know is why there were only 5 votes when I came upon it, but 147 downloads.

I really can't complain about it too much. The only thing I would change is the length or maybe throw in a random variation, it really doesn't matter. Sounds great, Tom!

Uh huh...

You need to work on your mixing and the distorted guitar needs a little bit of tweaking on the tone, if you ask me. I mean, really, having the clean guitar completely on the left pan and the distorted guitar completely on the right was just an earache and it made the whole track feel empty. Get that shit more centered and then ad a little bit more. Perhaps some atmospheric effects or something.

Otherwise, I rather enjoyed the song. Good luck to ye.

Shammybaby responds:

Yeah I've just started getting into mixing and it's not as simple as it seems. I appreciate you taking the time to leave me feedback.

We have a winner!

I have to say, when the first recognizable rhythmic beat came in, I was stoked. I always wanted that kind of thing going on in some of my songs, but I don't have electronic powers required to do so. Whether or not you did it on purpose, you really captured a Rob Zombie sound here. Funny thing, he just played a show here a couple days ago.

Now the whole song is great and dandy, grimey, industrial coolness until you hear the ending. What the hell were you thinking with such an abrupt and unexpected ending? I do some weird shit myself, so I can understand if it's symbolic or something, but it was so unsatisfying. It's like being totally drunk, having a ton of fun and then your friend comes into the room, making out with your ex girlfriend with his wank out. It's a total buzz kill. If it weren't for that ending, I'd give it a 10/10. Yeah, that's how bad that ending is.

EvilRaccoon responds:

Hey Rahmemhotep. I made a decisision to stop it suddenly for a reason. When rewatching resident evils i realised that the music would just stop dead. No gradual ending or anything. I always slowly fade out, or bring the song to a close. The disrupting ending I felt made things seem unconclusive, somewhat how you'd feel after fighting a hoard of zombies. There's always more to come.

It was a conscious decision. You'll see what I mean here. How the music is broken up by Marco Beltrami.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvZDJK Jxlls

Thanks again! I may do another version for you. :)

What the fuck?

House music that I actually like on NG? Are you European? Haha! No, really, this is mad sick sounding shit. In fact, the main reason I'm writing a review is so I can find it again if I forget the name. The feel of the song makes it sound as if it should be in a Mother game. It's gritty, metallic and soft, it would make a great Robot Day track, if you ask me. It does remind me of machines.

Overall, it's a really good piece and I feel it would take skill to make this. Good job, chap!


This sounds friggan beast. You did great work on the orchestra synths and like the guy below, it does make the original track sound weak, akin to Dimmu Borgir's new album where they fucked over the guitars and shit with the keyboards and shit (not a fan of that new album, nope). This is sung in Swedish, right? It sounds very well done and everything but, perhaps you should collaborate with them and use the raw tracks and beef 'em up to match your stuff if you ever get the chance.


The mixing definitely needs work. I mean, I'm wearing a bass amplifying headset and the guitar doesn't pop out as much as it should. Perhaps put a little touch of distortion on the bass and the drums need something done to them too. The synth work, on the other hand, sounds great. I like the riffs and the general feel of the song, it's pretty damn good.

Hit me up when you finish it.

I am a Christian, composer, vocalist and multi-instrumentalist.



Joined on 5/10/09

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