Here's the thing
Being smart and taking on a battle like you are on the field with some muthafuckin' real soldiers is what I did here. I used strategy and behind the back style lyrics, I went on defense and on offense while Self just tried to attack with some shit he don't even know about, which I said in the rhyme but apparently people are too dumb to understand. Trying to be the most ingenious and most unique rapper is what rapping is all about, we're supposed to be poets while Self just tryin' to play like he a thug that dropped out of 3rd grade. It's people like that what give rappers a bad name. I've been rapping for years now and I've never had a battle where the other guy was so stupid he didn't understand anything I said. Fast rapping ain't about the other guy comprehending you, it's about getting more words into a small amount of time and y'all know that we didn't have very much time to do our parts.
Oh yeah and Self... I called myself a faggot in my second verse so seriously, where the fuck's your brain at? Maybe if you used it you'd get my words and if my words fly fast then why don't you just listen faster?
To wrap it up, I'm chill with losing. It just shows me that people are still stuck in the stone age and don't want to hear ingenuity when someone speaks. I'm not going to dumb down my rhymes to "win" a contest, but I did have fun and hope that Self actually starts going back to school some day.