Well, it started good and then drums with too much punch for me came in and then a vocal sample and then WHAT IS THAT? OWWW, DUDE WOAH! IT'S TOTALLY DISORIENTATING MY BRAIN! NO MAN, OH! I'M FALLING OVER NOW! SOMEONE HELP! IT'S AWFUL! NOOOOO! IT JUST KEEPS GOING!!!! Oh, OK it's over now.
Look, I cannot understand how you heard this mix and thought it was good. That sidechained synth is so incrediloud it's unbearable. I can't really tell what else is going on in the track as a result. I've always hated this kind of compressed, "WOAH LOUD!" style of mixing and I've heard way too much of it during my years here on NG.
Your song isn't terrible in it's composition (I think? it's hard to listen to, period, so I'm a little unsure of myself). The percussion at 0:50 is actually pretty sweet. All the loudness needs to go and you should put a lead melody during those parts (that are currently intensely loud).
The bass drum is too loud. Your bass line synth is too quiet. Your snare is alright, but your hi hat should be on the left pan and your second snare should probably be on a 'roundpan' (moving pan) or something.
There's potential here. Just needs work and some more melodic variation.