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some stuff i don't agree on here like i'm not a believer but i'm not against it. in fact i know alot of stuff about that. but we can't blame humans for everything, yes mabey they did sin but it's also that some people who sined have serious issues or are mentally sick and must be helped to prefent stuff like that. such stuff you can't blame on the person it self that's not fair. also that god gave us jesus that was conceived by a virigin i don't agree on this as well just because it sais in the bible that his mother and father tried maney times to get a kid but it didn't help. that night that his mother cried was because she couldn't get a child. god gifted her and i'm sure jesus did some stuff as well because you never can be sure (not saying he did somthing really bad but someone without sin i don't think can exist). but that doesn't mean that we all are at fault yes we do stupid shit somthimes but that's what makes us think and learn. so that we sin is a good thing otherwise we would maked the same mistakes although i'm agreeing with you that you shouldn't do bad stuff to hurt others or on purpose.
by the way this is just my opinion. i don't try to hurt you or anyone else. so no bad harm here i just think that we can't blame it on one thing. were not todlers (i think atleast) just my opinion so nothing to be offended about or feel personally attacked by. just know i meant it to give my opinion and that's all ^_^
but anyway Hope you and the others have a great day ^_^
Whether one agrees or disagrees with God's truth it doesn't make Him wrong. Whether one likes it or not all of mankind is born with a sinful nature and is destined to die and burn in Hell unless they repent, believe on Jesus and make Him the Lord of their lives.
You want to talk about what's fair? God sets the rules on what's fair. God said, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die,” and now we reap what we have sown (for example, we wouldn't have mental illness at all if it wasn't for sin and the corruption and degeneration of man and the world over time). The creation is not greater than the Creator and the Creator says that all who sin and are not saved by Jesus Christ will go to Hell and then after the Great White Throne Judgment they will be thrown into an even worse place called The Lake of Fire. Romans 2:12 says, "When the Gentiles sin, they will be destroyed, even though they never had God's written law. And the Jews, who do have God's law, will be judged by that law when they fail to obey it."
This world says, "Go ahead and make your own rules and do what you want to do," but that's not the way that leads to Heaven. God made a way for us to be free and live forever and it isn't because of anything we've done. He made a way simply because God is love and He loves us more than any created thing could ever even imagine. John 14:6 - Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me." and John 3:16 - For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
If you are still reading this I want you to know that God loves you and He wants you in His Kingdom where there will be no death, or suffering, or disease, or sin. It will be place of unimaginable peace where we will live forever with our God and Saviour. The Bible says, "He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever."
Now to refer to the rest of your sayings. Mary was a virgin, the Bible never says that Mary and Joseph had tried to have a kid before and in fact that idea in itself has no standing in anything as Mary and Joseph were not married, but betrothed (betrothal is a period before marriage) when Jesus was conceived by immaculate conception. The people around Mary and Joseph thought that Mary had fornicated with someone to become thusly pregnant. In fact, Joseph thought so as well and was going to put her away for unfaithfulness until an Angel came to him in a dream and told him the child was of God. You can read all about it in the Gospel of Luke.
Now as for what you are talking about, it sounds like you are confusing the Gospel accounts with the historical chronicle of the Judge Samuel in the Old Testament. Samuel's mother Hannah cried out to God to give her a son and she would dedicate Him to God's work and have Samuel brought up at the Tabernacle. You can read about that in the book called 1 Samuel and if you have any questions you can ask me.
Also, no Jesus never did anything bad. He never sinned, He is the perfect Son of God and that is why He was able to go to cross to pay for our sins. It's hard for you to imagine someone like that because we've never seen anybody who doesn't sin. I love to think of how great it must've been for Mary and Joseph to have the PERFECT KID and how Jesus' half brothers and half sisters must've marveled at His perfect behavior. BTW the only reason He didn't sin is because He wasn't a mere man, He is God made flesh in fact He said, "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father!"
No sin is not good, never has been and never will be.
To close I'll quote Jesus from Matthew 12:30 and Luke 11:23, "Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me." You can not sit on the fence, because there is no fence. Either repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour or die and burn in Hell forever. It is your choice to make.
You may freely message me.