This new album contains some old songs, some new songs, and some old songs that have been revamped, but not a single song has been on a previously compiled release. I love to have a theme or underlying tie in with my songs on a compiled release and the theme here is leaving the world behind and walking out your salvation all the way to the Glorious Kingdom, with an emphasis on leaving things behind and going God's way instead of our own. There's a mix of R&B, samba, electronica, trip-hop, Turkish folk, reggae, videogame music influence and of course a love for Jesus Christ that I pray shows through in a way that would encourage you to choose His way too!
As a side, "His Way" is a revamp of the first Christian song with words I ever made and it's almost ten years old (as of 2014 it WILL be ten years old)! And a shout out to my wife for making the awesome cover art!
Here's the link, FREE TO DOWNLOAD: